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2015-16 USLAW NETWORK Board of Directors announced
Ashley Ann Dorris, Robert S. Nobel, Phillip H. Stanfield named to Board
During the recent USLAW NETWORK annual membership meeting in Boston, the 2015-16 USLAW NETWORK Board of Directors was determined. Two members were re-elected for a second term and three new members were elected to the Board.
New USLAW Board members include: Ashley Ann Dorris of Snyder Law LLP in Santa Barbara, Calif.; Robert S. Nobel of Traub Lieberman Straus & Shrewsberry LLP in Hawthorne, N.Y.; and Phillip H. Stanfield of Jones, Skelton & Hochuli, P.L.C. in Phoenix, Ariz. Noble F. Allen of Hinckley, Allen & Snyder LLP in Hartford, Conn., and Nicolas Jaca Otano from Rattagan, Macchiavello, Arocena & Pena Robirosa in Buenos Aires, Argentina, were re-elected to serve a second term on the Board. Thomas L. Oliver, II, a founding shareholder at Carr Allison in Alabama, is Chair of the 2015-16 USLAW NETWORK Board of Directors.
Newest USLAW Board Members (L-to-R): Ashley Ann Dorris, Robert S. Nobel, Phillip H. Stanfield
The full 2015-16 USLAW Board of Directors includes:
Executive Committee
- Thomas L. Oliver, II, Chair, Carr Allison, Birmingham, AL
- Lew R. C. Bricker, Vice Chair, SmithAmundsen LLC, Chicago, IL
- Jill Robb Ackerman, Secretary-Treasurer, Baird Holm LLP, Omaha, NE
- Neil A. Goldberg, Assistant Treasurer, Goldberg Segalla LLP, Buffalo, NY
- Nicholas E. Christin, Law Firm Management Director, Wicker, Smith, O’Hara, McCoy & Ford, P.A., Miami, FL
- John D. Cromie, Client Liaison Director, Connell Foley LLP, Roseland, NJ
- Ami C. Dwyer, Membership Management Director, Franklin & Prokopik, PC, Baltimore, MD
- Michael P. Sharp, Special Projects Director, Fee, Smith, Sharp & Vitullo, L.L.P., Dallas, TX
- Erik Gustafson, Immediate Past Chair, LeClairRyan, Alexandria, VA
- Bradley A. Wright, Chair Emeritus, Roetzel & Andress LPA, Akron, OH
- Noble Allen, Hinckley, Allen & Snyder LLP, Hartford, CT
- Ashley Ann Dorris, Snyder Law, LLP, Santa Barbara, CA
- Robert D. Ford, Kelly Santini LLP, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Kevin L. Fritz, Lashly & Baer, P.C., St. Louis, MO
- Nicolas P. Jaca-Otano, Rattagan, Macchiavello, Arocena & Pena Robirosa, Buenos, Argentina
- Dan L. Longo, Murchison & Cumming LLP, Los Angeles, CA
- Robert S. Nobel, Traub Lieberman Straus & Shrewsberry LLP, Hawthorne, NY
- Shawn M. Raiter, Larson King, LLP, St. Paul, MN
- Phillip H. Stanfield, Jones Skelton & Hochuli, P.L.C., Phoenix, AZ
- Rodney L. Umberger, Williams Kastner, Seattle, WA
- Kenneth B. Wingate, Sweeny, Wingate & Barrow, P.A., Columbia, SC
- Ex Officio: Richard Isham, Wedlake Bell, London, England
- Chair Emeriti: John E. Hall, Jr., Edward G. Hochuli, Michael R. Sistrunk, Sheryl J. Willert